Saturday, 22 November 2014

Employment at Chatsworth

Most of our residents discuss this all the time. How do we as a church understand their concerns and what do we do about it? What can we do about it? Hear the voice of the community on the matter.

The biggest employer at Chatsworth is the government who employ the police, the teachers, the health workers, and the council workers. Without these Chatsworth would not function very well economically. We value the contribution of the government to our economy, but being the government, they only pay low wages and Chatsworth would do well to encourage the private sector to play its part in employing our your people in the area.

The private sector comprises projects more that what might qualify as an industry. The biggest employer is shops. There are several shops each employing one or two shop assistants. (Will give a breakdown of figures later). There are different kinds of shops and most of them are small. They are:

  1. The Grocers
  2. The Petrol station
  3. The Beer hall
  4. The Bakery
  5. The Supermarket 
  6. The Mobile Phone Credit shop

There are other family owned projects such as :

  • The grain millers 
  • The welders
  • The Furniture makers
  • Car repairers
There are basic services which are not available at Chatsworth, but these may have to wait for a little while yet. The most obvious of these are: 
  1. A bank
  2. A Hotel of lodge
  3. A Rubbish collector and processor
Everyone who has foresight would like these facilities to be brought to Chatsworth as soon as possible. It would make Chatsworth a little more attractive to both investors and travelers, as well as increase the level of local employment. 

Many of us have wished for some kind of factory to be built here for many years. We do not understand why, with the low wage rates that Chatsworth offers, we have not had any investor considering our place  as a prime location. It has a few good points to it including 
  • A good trunk road
  • A goods and functional rail road
  • Medical facility
  • A number of secondary schools supplying a good number of school leavers 
  • Tranquil surroundings
  • Supply of electricity
The only item missing is housing. However, this would develop very quickly as soon as conditions allow. 

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